суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.

Listen to your body

Most important - learn to listen to your body. He always tells you that if something is wrong with it begins, and your job just to hear what he says and deal with it "advice." The procedure for piercing holes for piercing products takes time and requires endurance. Scars caused by improperly made punctures may appear unaesthetic, and even harder to strengthen the piercing itself. A key condition reads as follows: do not rush, wait a little longer for a specified period of time before the insertion of a puncture wound from the piercing jewelry, particularly in the situation, if you do puncture the first time. This will allow the skin to become hard enough to the point, as it is threaded jewelry.

Each new size actually more than the previous. Size 8ga and 10ga in reality do not look too great, but half an inch, let alone 9/16 inches - this is a serious expansion of the "tunnel". The greater will be the hole, the more time you have to give your skin to heal. Start with the first month or two between the piercing. And as the cells will grow and lengthen the time between treatments. Piercing can be painful and even have negative effects, however, if you'll remember how and what to take, it will allow you to avoid most adverse moments.

As ear lobes are most commonly used places for your piercing, tell them specifically about the original. Earlobes have a pretty good blood supply, and it helps that the wound soon healed, and soon there are new cells, the holes for the establishment of jewelry for body piercing. Of course, for the same reasons, it is easy to injure them. That's why before you start piercing should be treated lobe of tampons with hot water to increase blood circulation, relax and soften the skin. Also extremely useful to massage before the procedure. It is also relevant to other areas of the skin.

The best tool for creating holes is surgical pianist. Taper - is a long tool in the likeness of a knitting needle, which extends to one end. Using different sizes pianist can choose exactly the right for your "tunnel." Pianist there for all the holes from 00ga to 18ga. In addition, with the help of pianist can perform piercings on one or more inches. The more evenly you'll increase the size used now, or the more you become pain-free prodelyvat punctures large sizes. Tribaleticheskie pianist (tribalectic's taper), they are considered the most accurate, up to a length of about three inches, and allow you to make any holes. To remove the pain is to apply a variety of special oily zhitkosti. Suschestvet only one exception - pierced tongue, when used as a lubricant material absorbing ingredients are dissolved in heated water. They evaporate too quickly and do not have a long healing effect.

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